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E-mail Newspaper (Read by
up to two million weekly in
offices, dorms & homes worldwide since July 26,1997).


Word Quiz


Are you ready for some "Straight Talk?"
Well, get prepared, because that is what
this quiz is all about. Businessman and author
Lee Iacocca is a straight talker who knows
how to pack a wallop with his words. He
began building his vocabulary early by
reading "Word Power" and exchanging
verbal spars with his classmates. Here
are some of Iacocca's choice words.

1. aspire (v.) - A: to animate. B: aim for. C: end.
D: pretend.

2. meddlesome (adj.) - A: spirited. B: fretful. C: inter-
fering. D: fainthearted.

3. albatross (n.) - sea bird symbolizing A: persistent
difficulty. B: ecstasy. C: effortless achievement. D: lost

4. permeate (v.) - A: to firm up. B: rearrange. C: force an
opening into. D: spread through.

5. consortium (n.) - A: monopoly. B: partnership. C: illegal
transaction. D: rental unit.

6. laissez-faire (adj.) - A: easy come, easy go. B: at rest.
C: unregulated. D: harmonious.

7. divisive (adj.) - A: dishonest. B: roundabout. C: candid.
D: disruptive.

8. ad hoc (adj.) - A: for this purpose. B: unreal.
C: possible. D: confidential.

9. harbor (v.) - A: to encourage. B: keep in one's mind.
C: reinforce. D: lose sight of.

10. tout (v.) - A: to oppose. B: suppress. C: deceive.
D: praise.

11. catharsis (n.) - A: result. B: intensity. C: weakness.
D: purification.

12. envisage (v.) - A: to visualize. B: plan for. C: ideal-
ize. D: surround.

13. contentious (adj.) - A: relevant or pertinent.
B: controversial. C: full. D: quiet.

14. exacerbate (v.) - A: to analyze carefully. B: make
worse. C: uncover. D: argue.

15. rag (v.) - A: to humiliate. B: challenge. C: tease.
D: clean up.

16. watershed (n.) - A: fluid situation. B: protective
arrangement. C: small waterfall. D: decisive turning point.

17. reparation (n.) - A: making up for a wrongdoing.
B: severe punishment. C: a pulling apart. D: redistribution.

18. homogenize (v.) - A: to weaken. B: blend. C: adapt.
D: separate.

19. faze (n.) - A: to fluster. B: fade away. C: dominate.
D: gloss over.

20. temper (v.) - A: to drive to distraction. B: synchro-
nize. C: mold. D: moderate.

Answers Below!!!














1. aspire - B: To aim for something important; be ambitious;
yearn for. Latin aspirare (to breathe upon).

2. meddlesome - C: Interfering; inclined to pry intrusively
into the lives of others; as, a meddlesome reporter. Old
French medler (to mix).

3. albatross - A: Persistent difficulty or burden. From
Coleridge's poem in which a ship's crew hung a dead alba-
tross around the Ancient Mariner's neck. Sailors believed
that killing this bird brought bad luck.

4. permeate - D: To spread through every part of; as, A
feeling of relief permeated the company. Latin permeare (to
pass through).

5. consortium - B: Partnership of financial groups for
carrying out a large project; as, an international consor-
tium of car companies. Latin (fellowship).

6. laissez-faire - C: Unregulated; often used to describe an
economic system free of government control. French (let do).

7. divisive - D: Disruptive; causing disagreement among
people; as, their divisive statements. Latin dividere (to

8. ad hoc - A: For a specific purpose only; as, an ad hoc
investigative committee. Latin (for this).

9. harbor - B: To keep or hold in one's mind; as, to harbor
resentments. Old English herebeorg (army shelter).

10. tout - D: To praise or recommend highly; as, He believed
in the cars he touted. Old English totian (to look out for).

11. catharsis - D: Purification; a cleansing; as, Some
contend that business recessions are a necessary catharsis
for an economic system. Greek katharsis.

12. envisage - A: To visualize; imagine; as, to envisage a
new organization. French envisager (to face in).

13. contentious - B: Controversial; causing argument; as,
quarrelsome; the most contentious person imaginable. Latin
com- (with) and tendere (to strive).

14. exacerbate - B: To make worse; aggravate; as, to
exacerbate a weak financial situation. Latin ex- (thoroughly)
and acerbare (to make harsh).

15. rag - C: To tease, banter or joke in an annoyingly
persistent way; as, Our competitor ragged us. British 19th-
century university slang.

16. watershed - D: Decisive turning point affecting outlook,
actions; as, The merger was a watershed in the firm's
history. Also, area from which a river receives its water

17. reparation - A: Making up for a wrongdoing; amends; as,
to make reparations by a public apology. Also, compensation.
Latin re- (again) and parare (to get ready).

18. homogenize - B: To blend diverse elements into a smooth,
uniform mixture; as, It can be dangerous to homogenize one's
thinking. Greek homogenes (of the same kind).

19. faze - A: To fluster; disturb or intimidate; as, Nothing
fazed him. Middle English fesen.

20. temper - D: To moderate; soften effects of; as, to
temper a government regulation. Latin temperare (to keep
within limits).

(gopher central)




Solve the puzzles by saying them out loud,
over and over, faster and faster, repeating
the phrase, until you "hear" the answer.

Example: LAWN SAND JEALOUS (place)
Answer: Los Angeles

1. SHOCK CUSSED TOE (person)
2. SAND TACKLE LAWS (fictional character)
3. MY GULCH HOARD UN (person)
4. MOW BEAD HICK (book)
6. CHICK HE TUB AN AN US (product)
8. AISLE OH VIEW (phrase)
13. AGE ANT HUB BLOWS HEAVEN (fictional character)
15. BUCK SPUN HE (fictional character)















1. Jacques Cousteau
2. Santa Claus
3. Michael Jordan
4. Moby Dick
5. Thomas Jefferson
6. Chiquita Banana
7. The Titanic
8. I love you
9. The Brady Bunch
10. Christopher Columbus
11. Doctor Seuss
12. The Milky Way Galaxy
13. Agent 007
14. The Sound of Music
15. Bugs Bunny


Riddles 12.16.5


1) You may praise your good fortune
and curse all you hate,
Yet I rule all your chaos and gamble your fate.
By some I'm avoided by others I'm game,
Called by fat or slim, my meanings the same.

2) Of all the words; we are four
All rhyming down to the core

One is what a pen is for
Another's brightness can't be more

The third is a toy soaring through the wind
The last happens late, you must comprehend

Now tell me what these four words are
And you just might go really far.

3) My first is at the beginning of race,
My second at the end of face.
My third is at the beginning of a word
in a question,
The fourth is in a word for "to question".
My fifth is in race, yet not in ace,
And for the last, I am starting done.

4) Take away my first letter and I remain the same.
Take away my second letter and I remain unchanged.
Take away my third letter and I am unchanged.
Take away all my letters and I am still exactly the same.
What am I?

Answers below!!!















1) Chance
2) Write, White, Kite, Night
3) Reward
4) A Postman
The Daily Tease


Virus Warning


Be on the alert for symptoms of inner

The hearts of a great many have already
been exposed to this virus and it is possible
that people everywhere could come down
with it in epidemic proportions. This could
pose a serious threat to what has, up to now,
been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the

Some signs and symptoms of THE CHRISTMAS VIRUS:

~ A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.

~ An unmistakable ability to enjoy the moment.

~ A loss of interest in judging other people.

~ A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.

~ A loss of interest in conflict.

~ A loss of the ability to worry.

~ Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation and thankfulness.

~ Contented feelings of connectedness with others and God's nature.

~ Frequent attacks of smiling.

~ An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.

~ An increased susceptibility to the love extended
by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.

Please send this warning out to all your friends! This virus can and has
affected many systems. Some systems have been completely cleaned
out because of it.


Riddles 12.13.5

The image “http://www.dominickjr.com/images/fashion/girl-thinking.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

1) A Train enters a tunnel at 7 o'clock, another
train enters
the exact same tunnel, also at 7
o'clock on the same day.
The tunnel only has
one track, and no other means for the
trains to
pass, around, over, or under. However both trains

made it to the other end of the tunnel untouched.
How could
this be?

2) When you walk through the front door, you are
the back. What is it?

3) What is full of holes, but can still hold water?

4) Mississippi is behind the green glass door,
but river is not. Bottle is behind the green glass
door, but jug is not. Heel is behind the green
glass door, but shoe is not. What's the pattern?

Answers Below:














1) One entered at 7AM the other at 7PM.
2) A Theatre or church
3) A sponge
4) Words with double letters can go behind
the green glass door.


Christmas Female
Parking Cheer



What Happens When A Girl Falls
For One Or More Of The Following ?


What happens when a girl falls
for one or more of the following ?

A chef? (You get buttered up.)
A chauffeur? (You get taken for a ride.)
A gambler? (He cheats on you.)
A telephone operator? (He gives you a phone-y line.)

A trashman? (He dumps you.)
A clockmaker? (He two-times you.)
A pastry cook? (He desserts you.)
A shoe salesman? (He walks all over you.)

An elevator operator? (He lets you down.)
An artist? (He gives you the brush.)
A jogger? (He gives you the run-around.)
So marry someone just like Howdy...
(Did all of you ladies see his picture below???)

If you know any more about above, please
leave in comments section just below!!!


Weekend Riddles


1) I am as bright as the sunshine on a warm day,
I can go a long way.
I am seen on the young and the old that God made,
but I can fade.
I have only five letters in my name,
and I am painted on both the strong and the lame.
I can be as white as pearls,
or as yellow as blond curls.
I can never grow old,
or never be sold,
or turn to mold,
but I am more precious than gold.
What am I?

2) What has rivers but no water, cities
but no buildings, forests but no trees,
deserts but no sand, and mountains but
no rocks?

3) There are three houses built exactly the same. One
is filled with cotton, the other with wood, and the third
with iron. One day an arsonist sets them all on fire.
Sirens were loudly coming to the scene. People were
screaming. Which house did the ambulance try to put
the fire out at first?

4) What object does this represent?

5) A man is looking at a picture and says:
'Sisters and brothers have I none,
But that man's father was my father's son.'
Who is in the picture?

6) What does each word in each group have in common?

Group A
A baby
A cow
A shoe

Group B
A duck
A restaurant goer

Group C
A river
A cave
A face

7) My first is in 'eye' but I can't see.
Once, a Beatle believed in me.
My second is in 'here' but I've just gone.
Every 24 hours I'm moving on.
What am I?















1) A smile
2) A map, globe or atlas
3) Ambulances do not put out fires.
4) Water - H 2 O (H to O)
5) The man's son
6) Group A- a tongue
Group B- a bill
Group C- a mouth
7) Yesterday

More From Howdy!!!
Click HERE!!!


Hear 3 different versions of
"I'll Be Home For Christmas"
- turn up your speakers!!!

Riddles from: The Daily Tease


Riddles For 12.2.5


1) My step is slow,
the snow's my breath,
I give the ground
a grinding death.
My marching makes
an end to me,
slain by sun or
drowned in sea.

What am I?

2) What comes next in this sequence:


3) Soldiers line up spaced with pride,
Two long rows lined side by side.
One sole unit can decide,
If the rows will unite or divide.
Tell me, tell me, scream it out.
What's the thing I talk about?

4) "Six kings" can be converted into what word?





Send Howdy your score...



4 right - NCSU Grad
3 right - Duke, Harvard, UCLA, MSU grad
2 right - UNC grad
1 - UNC faculty











2) QN; it is the first and last letter
of the pieces of chess going up in
value, PawN, BishoP, KnighT, RooK, QueeN.
3) teeth
4) Six kings - VI kings - Vikings

More From Howdy!!!
Click HERE!!!

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Verse of the Day

Thought &


* * * Four important things to KNOW: #1) For ALL (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) have sinned & fall short of the glory of God. #2) For the wages of above (see #1) are DEATH (Hell, eternal separation from God, & damnation) but the Gift (free & at no charge to you) of God (Creator, Jehovah, & Trinity) is Eternal Life (Heaven) through (in union with) Jesus Christ (God, Lord, 2nd Person of The Trinity, Messiah, Prince of Peace & Savior of the World). #3) For God so greatly loved & dearly prized the world (Americans, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhist, Asians, Presbyterians, Europeans, Baptist, Brazilians, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc.) that He even gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, that whosoever (anyone, anywhere, anytime - while still living) believes (trust in, relies on, clings to, depends completely on) Him shall have eternal (everlasting) life (heaven). #4) Jesus said: "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, & THE LIFE. No one (male/female - American, Muslim, Jew, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Asian, Presbyterian, European, Baptist, Brazilian, Mormons, Methodist, French, etc. ) comes (arrives) to the Father (with GOD in Heaven) EXCEPT BY (through) ME (no other name). *** This wonderful loving GOD gives you the choice - - - (Rev. 3:20) {Please note that church membership, baptism, doing good things, etc. are not requirements for becoming a Christian - however they are great afterwards!!!} *** Jesus said, "Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction (Hell, damnation, eternal punishment), and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life (Heaven, eternal happiness, forever with God), and only a few find it.

God loves you so much that He died for you!!!

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