Q: What do these people have in common???
1) John Couey
2) House Dems*
3) Campus Libs
4) CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc.
5) Scott Peterson
6) Howard Dean
7) Der Fuehrer
8) Joseph Stalin
9) George Greer
10) Michael Schiavo
A) If you guessed they like to have
people die, you would be right.
Unfortunately, they might start
the ball rolling for someone
you love to be next or maybe
me or maybe you!!!
When the Nazis came to get the
gypsies I did not say anything
because I was not a gypsy.
When they came to get the
communists I did not say
anything because I was not
a communist. When they came
to get the Jews I did not say
anything because I was not
a Jew. When they came to
get me there was no one left
to stand up for me. - Neimoller
Why are these folks so worried
about the way terrorist are treated
in prison but don't mind starving
a Florida woman who is NOT on
life support??? Why do they worry
about baby seals & whales but
greatly desire the extermination
of many many human babies.
Tell me why if you know...
*Not all - just a majority.
How Terri Will Die:
By The Associated Press
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Here is the
general process of death for patients
whose food and hydration tubes are